The Morning Sports beat is Northwest Arkansas’s wake-up call airing Monday-Friday from
6 am-9 am on 92.1 The Ticket and the 92.1 The Ticket app. The Morning Sports beat is hosted by 30-year radio veteran Erik Gee.
Gee comes to KQSM after spending five years at KYAL in Tulsa as Assistant Program Director and co-host of the Pat Jones Show. Gee’s career includes stops in Oklahoma City and Albuquerque. Gee has covered football for both Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, and he also covered the Oklahoma City Thunder for seven seasons.
Joining Gee is joined by Levi Peckenpaugh. Peckenpaugh is quickly making a name for himself in Northwest Arkansas with his coverage of the Razorbacks and hosting The Best of The Morning Sports Beat on Saturdays at 7 am on 92.1 The Ticket and The 92.1 The TIcket app.
The Morning Sports Beat gives you the first look at all things Razorbacks, complete with fresh opinions, analysis, guests, and a good dose of self-deprecating humor.
Gee and Peckenpaugh don’t take themselves seriously but are serious about the Hogs and the SEC. Frequent guests include Alyssa Orange and Courtney Mims from KNWA, John Nabours of Locked on Razorbacks, Christina Long, Ethan Westerman, Matt Jones from Whole Hog Sports, Connor Goodman from 24/7, and Lee Sterling from Paramount Sports.
If you miss any of the show, you can always check out the daily Best of The Morning Sports Beat podcast posted here every day at noon.