Jim Rome
Check out Jim Rome’s Homepage: www.jimrome.com
Contact the Jim Rome Show
Call Jim during live show hours:
11am-2pm CST
Text Jim: 37170
Email Jim: rome@haveatake.com
About Jim Rome:
In the realm of guerilla sports talk Jim Rome is King Kong. Swatting away the ill-informed and ignorant like little toy biplanes and employing his unique, razor-sharp vocabulary to chew up pompous sports prima donnas like balsawood scenery.
Jim generates an electric atmosphere on the air that’s dense with attitude, humor, and hipness. Rather than gunning for controversy and confrontation, Jim aims to engage and challenge his callers.
His creative, bare knuckle approach, tempered by intelligence and vast knowledge of sports, has left him perched atop the sports talk world with America’s sports radio fans in the palm of his hand.